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Page Revision: 2011/08/19 10:08


Fields are values that can be referenced directly in a script. For example CLOSE (or C in shorthand) represents the closing price of the current bar of the calculation.

OPENOpening price
HIGHHigh price
LOWLow price
CLOSEClosing price
TYPICAL, TYPTypical price (OPEN + HIGH + CLOSE) / 3
TRADESNumber of trades that make up the current bar (Note: this is not always available yet.)
INDEXIndex of the current bar being computed. This runs from 0 to COUNT - 1.
COUNTNumber of bars on the chart.
BARPERCENTPercentage completion of the current bar. E.g. 15 minutes into a 1 hour bar would give 0.25
NUMERATORThe numerator of the market.
DENOMINATORThe denominator of the market.
TICKVALUEThe tick value of the market.
NILSpecial "non-value" field.
MARKETIDThe text market id.
MARKETDESCRIPTIONThe text description of the market.


Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators
=, !=Equals, not equals
<, <=Less than, less than equals
>, >=Greater than, greater than equals

Boolean Operators
AND, &&Logical AND
OR, ||Logical OR
XORExclusive OR


Mathematical Functions
ABS( <value> )Calculates the absolute value of a number.
ACCUM( <value> )Accumulates (sums) a value over all the data points on the chart.
ACOS( <value> )Computes the inverse cosine of the value.
ASIN( <value> )Computes the inverse sin of the value.
ATAN( <value> )Computes the inverse tan of the value.
CASH( <value> )Converts the specified tick value to a cash value using the conversion parameters defined for the current market.
CASHTICKS( <value> )Converts the specified cash value to a tick value using the conversion parameters defined for the current market.
CEILING( <value> )Computes the nearest larger integer to the value.
COS( <value> )Computes the cosine of the value.
DISPLAY( <value> )Formats the specified tick value to a text representation of the price.
FLOOR( <value> )Computes the nearest smaller integer to the value.
HIGHEST( <value>, <periods> )Returns the highest value occurring over the last number of periods from the current data point.
LASTVAL( <value>, <periods> )Returns the nearest non-Nil value over the last number of periods for the current data point.
LN( <value> )Computes the natural (base e) logarithm of the value.
LOG( <value>, <base> )Computes the logarithm of the value in the specified base.
LOG10( <value> )Computes the base 10 logarithm of the value.
LOWEST( <value>, <periods> )Returns the lowest value occurring over the last number of periods from the current data point.
MAX( <value 1>, ... <value n> )Returns the largest of the specified values.
MIN( <value 1>, ... <value n> )Returns the smallest of the specified values.
MOD( <value 1>, <value 2> )Returns the remainder of the division of value 1 by value 2.
MOV( <value>, <periods>, <MAType> )Computes the moving average of the value over the specified number of periods using the specified moving average type.
OFFSET( <value>, <periods> )Gets the value offset by the specified number of periods.
POW( <value>, <power> )Computes the value raised to the specified power.
ROC( <value>, <periods> )Computes the rate of change of the specified value over the specified number of periods.
SIN( <value> )Computes the sine of the value.
SQRT( <value> )Computes the square root of the value.
STDDEV( <value>, <periods> )Computes the standard deviation of the value over the specified number of periods.
STDDEVP( <value>, <periods> )Computes the standard deviation (entire population) of the value over the specified number of periods.
SUM( <value>, <periods> )Computes the sum of the values over the specified number of periods.
SQRT( <value> )Calculates the square root of a number.
TAN( <value> )Calculates the tangent of the value.

Plotting, Summary and Configuration Functions

PLOT_LINE(...)Draws a line plot of the value.
PLOT_BAND(...)Draws a line plot of the value with upper and lower bands and option shading between the bands.
PLOT_STEP(...)Draws a step plot of the value.
PLOT_POINTS(...)Draws a point plot of the value.
PLOT_WAVECREST(...)Draws a wavecrest plot of the value with upper and lower limit lines. Peaks and valleys extending beyond the limit line values are shaded to stand out.
PLOT_HISTOGRAM(...)Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
PLOT_LIMITLINE(...)Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
PLOT_CENTERLINE(...)Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
PLOT_RANGEMARKERS(...)Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
SUMMARY(...)Displays a summary for the plot.

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